Awaken Your

Prosperity Potential

and Uplevel Your Relationships

Discover the “Relationship Blueprint” to a Life of Freedom and Abundance
During This Live Experiential Virtual Retreat.
2 Day LIVE Virtual Retreat
April 13th and 14th, 2024
10 AM - 2 PM PT (1 pm - 5 pm ET)
Erin Birch

From the Desk of Cheri Petroni

Holistic Wellness

Prosperity Mindset Alignment Mastery

Are you feeling overwhelmed by relationship challenges, unsure of how to navigate the complexities of communication and boundaries?

Do you sense that there's something deeper holding you back from the fulfilling connections and harmony you desire?

You're not alone. Many individuals like yourself find themselves grappling with these same struggles.

You may have a sense that hidden mindset barriers are silently sabotaging your relationships, but identifying them feels daunting and even intimidating. These elusive barriers lurk beneath the surface, subtly influencing your interactions, emotional resilience, and sense of self-worth.

They manifest as a constant struggle to assert your needs, a nagging sense of inadequacy, or an inner conflict between authenticity and fear of rejection. These hidden culprits chip away at your confidence and keep you trapped in a cycle of misunderstanding and emotional turmoil.

But here's the thing – imagine what it would be like to experience relationships where communication flows effortlessly, conflicts are resolved with ease, and healthy boundaries are respected by both parties.

Sounds pretty amazing, right?

You're about to embark on a

Transformative Journey

where these hidden relationship blocks will be unveiled and dismantled. 

Through our "Relationship Mindset Exploration" retreat, you'll gain profound insights into the subconscious beliefs that have been silently dictating your reality. It's time to shed light on the shadows, overcome the barriers, and step into a future where prosperity flows effortlessly. Join us as we guide you through the process of rewriting your connection story and unlocking your intimacy potential.

What Others Are Saying

Several years ago I embarked on a path of self discovery, and was thankfully guided to Cheri. She’s been a blessing and mentor for me. She is strong, intuitive, and brilliant.  Her coaching talents helped me overcome life challenges and gave me the ability to heal. Cheri is able to immediately pinpoint what is happening underneath it all, then bring you safely towards a place of resolution. She’s helped me in more ways than I can imagine, personally and professionally. She is truly gifted, and the best at what she does.

Donna Phan
Casino Industry

Cheri is my number one soundboard, cheerleader, and support system. She helped me understand and come to terms with my younger years, walking me through some of my hardest days. She’s helped me see trials and hardships for what they are, not how they felt. She is currently supporting me in developing an entire business model, bringing a dream of mine into reality. I recommend EVERYONE work with Cheri for their betterment, gaining whatever knowledge, coaching, and support from her that you can receive. There is no one like Cheri, and I could not be more grateful for the experiences and growth I've shared with her.

McCall Wheeler

How Would It Feel If You Had...

  • Clarity and Certainty in Relationships: Experience a clear path to abundance, eliminating uncertainty and stress from your current connections.

  • A Transformed Relationship Mindset: Boost your confidence and self-worth, leading to healthier relationships and a thriving personal and professional life of authenticity and mutual respect.

  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Reclaim your personal time while achieving greater productivity and success in your business, and create harmony between your personal and professional life.

  • Freedom from Codependency: Break free from the cycle of over-giving and negotiating boundaries, securing a more stable and rewarding circle of friends and family, where relationships are based on mutual respect and support.

  • Confidence in Relationship Health: Feel confident and at ease around others, ensuring relationship security for yourself and your loved ones, fostering deeper connections and a sense of belonging.

  • Release from Limiting Beliefs: Let go of beliefs that have held you back, allowing you to pursue opportunities with newfound courage and resilience, paving the way for personal and relational growth.

  • Lasting Prosperity and Intimacy: Embrace new, empowering ways to create intimacy in your relationships, paving the way for long-lasting friendships, deeper trust, and a future filled with enjoyment and fulfillment.

Uplevel Your Story of Connection and Intimacy by Realigning Your...


Relationship Mindset

Unlock Hidden
Relationship Blocks

Unraveling and dismantle elusive beliefs silently sabotaging your relational harmony. Break free from self-imposed limitations that hinder authentic connections and embrace a journey towards deeper understanding and fulfillment.

Cultivate a Prosperity Relational Mindset

Rewire your subconscious mind to embrace intimacy, effective communication, and healthy boundaries. Gain the confidence to assert your needs, navigate conflicts, and cultivate trust and intimacy.

Create Lasting Relationship Freedom

Chart a clear path to emotional connections and fulfillment. Learn practical strategies to navigate challenges, reclaim your personal time, manage stress, and ensure a consistent flow of meaningful connection and mutual support.

Introducing the...

Welcome to the transformative journey you've been yearning for. This unique virtual retreat experience is your opportunity to break free from hidden relationship mindset blocks, rewrite your relationship story, and realign with the harmony and connection you deserve.

In this empowering workshop, you'll uncover the subconscious beliefs that have hindered your relationships, cultivate a healthy relationship mindset, and learn practical strategies for fostering deeper connections and setting boundaries effectively.

If you're ready to embrace relational abundance and step into a future filled with harmonious connections, this retreat is your path to unlock your true potential in relationships. Join us and embark on a journey that will reshape your relational landscape forever.

Awakening prosperity:

Lessons to Embrace Your Relationship Destiny

Lesson 1: Intentions, Body Speak & Appreciation

  • Discover the importance of setting clear intentions for your journey towards financial abundance.

  • Experience a guided meditation to connect with your inner self and explore your deepest passion and purpose.

  • Engage in the "Trying on Relationship Beliefs"

    exercise to gain insights into your own relationship beliefs.

Lesson 2: Integrating Mindfulness

  • Define mindfulness and its connection in reshaping your money story.

  • Cultivate self-awareness and being present through experiential exercises.

  • Delve into the significance between mindfulness and sabotaging relationship beliefs with the "What Would a Person Have to Believe?" advanced intuitive exploration.

Lesson 3: Consciousness and Beliefs

  • Understand the nature and different types of beliefs and where they come from.

  • Learn about The Creation Cycle of beliefs and the pivotal moments when beliefs no longer serve you.

  • Explore how beliefs function in your life and how they affect your emotions and decisions.

  • Explore the impact of your relationship beliefs on your life through an eye-opening early relationship experience.

Lesson 4: The Clear Beliefs Process

  • Address childhood wounds for emotional healing and resilience.

  • Release a limiting belief and free your potential for new relationship opportunities.

  • Harness the power of visualization and the imaginal realm to reshape your beliefs.

  • Reframe your belief to align with your long-term aspirations for lasting, positive change.

Lesson 5:  Action Plan and Your Future

  • Reflect on the limiting beliefs you've identified throughout the day.

  • Review common challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and how to overcome them.

  • Embrace the opportunity to continue your journey towards healing and abundance.

Lesson 6: Reflection & Setting Your Vision

  • Recap the day's activities and share the value gained from the experience.

  • Engage in a pro-active guided visualization for your future, tapping into the power of the Karate Point.

  • Share action steps to foster a supportive community.

  • Celebrate your shifts and victories as you travel to holistic healing and prosperity.

By the end of this transformative workshop, you will gain profound insights into your relationship story, discover practical tools for reshaping your relationships, and capture insights into empowering opportunities to explore deeper growth and healing. Immerse yourself in a future brimming with hope, abundance, and new beginnings, equipped with the tools and a plan to make it happen.

Is Relationship

Prosperity Calling You?

This virtual retreat is for you if...

  • You're exhausted from navigating relationship challenges and want to release the cycle of emotional turmoil and stress.

  • You have a deep desire to uncover the beliefs that silently sabotage your relational success and hinder your ability to connect authentically.

  • You're prepared to rewrite your relationship story and embrace lasting harmony and connection with yourself and others.

  • You long for setting and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships, communicating assertively and effectively.

  • You are ready to make bold choices to cultivate deeper connections and foster a future filled with relational abundance and fulfillment.

Your Bonuses Designed to..

Accelerate Results!

BONUS 1: Grounding by Toning Meditation

Experience the profound healing power of your own voice with our exclusive Grounding Meditation bonus. In this transformative practice, Cheri will guide you through a journey of chakra integration, helping you achieve alignment in your energy centers. Discover the art of using your voice to heal and energize your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. As you immerse yourself in this meditation, you'll unlock a sense of inner peace, clarity, and renewed vitality. Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, by reconnecting with the powerful energies of the Earth. This bonus empowers you to align your entire being, ensuring that you operate at your highest potential. We will meet live and recorded in case you cannot attend.

BONUS 2: Your Belief Self-Diagnosis

Uncover the hidden drivers of your financial beliefs and take control of your money mindset with your Belief Self-Diagnosis exercise. This powerful process allows you to reveal your subconscious beliefs and bring them into conscious awareness. Armed with a journal, you'll explore your inner beliefs, shedding light on thoughts you have not previously acknowledged. By identifying the beliefs that are holding you back, you'll gain the clarity needed to make positive changes in your life. In this exercise, you'll select three key money beliefs you want to transform, setting the stage for a profound shift in your relationship with wealth and prosperity. Embrace this opportunity to explore your beliefs, and get ready to embark on a journey of transformation.

BONUS 3: Sacred Journaling

Experience the power of transformation with Sacred Journaling as you embark on your daily ritual of self-discovery. This unique journal serves as your guide on our profound journey. Within its pages, you'll find three vital components that will lead you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your beliefs. By recording your insights, delving into your money-related beliefs, and concluding each day with gratitude, you'll nurture a positive mindset, harmonize with abundance, and initiate lasting change. The Sacred Journal is your canvas for self-improvement and self-awareness, illuminating the path to a more empowered and prosperous life.

BONUS 4: 1:1 Clarity Session

During our exclusive discovery session, we'll unpack the retreat so that you receive maximum benefit from the weekend. We will also delve into the bonuses, in particular, The Belief Self-Diagnosis, and discuss any patterns that might be holding you back from experiencing the fulfilling and aligned relationships you deserve.

Once we identify these areas for growth, you'll start to see a clear path forward towards cultivating the kind of relationships you've always dreamed of.

I'm not here to pressure you into anything. My goal is to ensure that your needs were met during the retreat and bring clarity to you as needed. If we determine that working together further is your best next step for you, we can chat about that, too. regardless, I will point you in the direction of resources that will best suit your current relationship goals.

What Others Are Saying

I’ve been a long time Reiki student and coaching client of Cheri. She is an articulate teacher, intuitive to my needs, always encouraging and supporting me in my Reiki practice. She is very grounded, full of empathy, and her patience is infectious. Cheri’s creative coaching style is so fitting to my current situations, and always matches my needs for resolution. She constantly supports me in adapting to new ideas, and to uplevel my personal and business growth. I am proud to have Cheri as my soul work mentor and sister of my heart and art!

Lisa Renee Spangler
Reiki Master and Entrepreneur

Cheri is an amazing asset to my personal and business growth! I’ve been a client for years in her holistic spa. I became interested in her energy work, so I booked an energy mindset session. One of the best decisions I ever made! Five years later, I still enjoy the clarity and relief I get from these coaching sessions. My personal and business relationships have improved as I’ve gotten to know myself better. If you’re ready for life changing growth, you must see Cheri!

Brenda Peterson
Business Owner

Everything You Get When You Enroll in the 'Unlock Your Prosperity Mindset' Virtual Retreat

2 Day LIVE Virtual Retreat
April 13th and 14th, 2024
10AM - 2PM PT/1PM - 5PM ET

  • Comprehensive Retreat Content: Take a deep dive into the intricacies of beliefs, their structure, and gain a clear understanding of mindfulness principles. ($149 Value)

  • Guided Experiential Exercises: Participate in several
    Science-backed Shamanic Explorations designed to tap into your subconscious to uncover and up-level your prosperity mindset. ($234 Value)

  • The Clear Beliefs Process: A simple, yet powerful tool that can support you in belief transformation. Using guided imagery we can easily clear sabotaging beliefs and upgrade them into more empowering, prosperity-driven beliefs. ($199 Value)

  • Retreat Recordings: Gain access to recordings of the entire live virtual retreat, including each experiential experience, so you can revisit and reinforce the techniques, insights and discoveries shared during the event.($199 Value)

  • Bonuses: Engage with preparatory resources, including video instructions and four valuable tools that set the stage for your life-changing journey during the retreat.

    • ($199 Value)

Total Value: $980

Regular Price: $297


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the workshop?

This LIVE Virtual Workshop will be an engaging and transformative virtual retreat designed to empower you in unlocking your prosperity mindset. Our retreat is structured around a series of informative and experiential modules, each crafted to help you understand and clear limiting beliefs. This empowering journey begins an opportunity for transforming your relationship with money and prosperity.

Will there be a recording of the workshop?

Yes! We will record the workshop and you will receive access to the full recording. Of course, attending the LIVE workshop will give you the best experience.

How much time should I set aside for the workshop?

The workshop should run approximately 3 hours each day. There will be short breaks throughout each day. It's always good to give yourself an extra hour at the end of each workshop in case we go a little longer, or for you to have time to integrate what you learned during the workshop.

What is your refund policy?

After attending the 'Unlock Your Prosperity Mindset Workshop,' if you're not 100% satisfied, I'll work with you until you are! My commitment is that my clients and students walk away transformed and fully satisfied.

© - Cheri Petroni. All Rights Reserved